What is Ownership?
Ownership is a 3 module course that retrains us to shift from limiting beliefs towards empowered choices.
Taking ownership is about the power we each possess to make choices, and the power of each choice to move us towards the lives we find significant.
We set our STATE,
to write our STORY,
to choose our STRATEGY.
Those are the three modules in Ownership.
Each of these steps affects the next.
Our STATE of mind/body is about how we respond to how we feel.
How we feel is up to us far more than we think.
Many of us haven’t been given the opportunity to feel, to understand the roots of our feelings, and thereby the tools to navigate our feelings.
Nor have we been given the tools to shift our state and thereby shift our feelings.
STATE covers the systems we are a part of, how they may affect us, and helps to identify our unique needs and values so that fulfillment versus flighty feelings becomes the compass we can live by.
Our STORY is the narrative we tell ourselves and each other based on our STATE.
How we feel determines what we perceive:
Tired tends to see defeat, frustration, makes note of what isn’t working.
Calm tends to see there is more time available, there are more perspectives to be seen.
Upright and empowered tends to see more possibility, more resources, openings.
There are tools to use to shift us towards tired or calm or empowered and many other states.
Tools can be as simple as our posture, and as complex as the words we choose and the stories we tell that become our realities and our certainties. STORY encourages a new ability to shift from reactive to descriptive to predictive uses of the brain.
The STORY we tell ourselves determines the STRATEGY we choose.
Our STRATEGY is the action we take in response to the needs of the moment. They can be our own needs or the needs of our teams or families.
“I’m so tired. I couldn’t get up this morning. Didn’t have time for breakfast.
Drinking coffee on the way in, I feel depleted and rushed and I’m scared of what my manager will say of my work.
I’ll just keep my head down today.”
“I woke tired today so I took a walk.
It gave me a chance to see a larger perspective and it really is important to start the day outside for a moment.
I feel connected to what is important to me. I’m looking forward to my team and our work ahead.”
STRATEGY is where we can use how we feel and how we represent it to ourselves to take action. Our actions add up to how we are known and the difference we make in the world.
Often what feels ‘stuck’ in management, in a partnership, in finances, is the continuation of what no longer serves us, but we can’t see that if we are only in the repetition of our actions.
Each module has 6 courses, uniquely designed to be customizable, mixed and matched, or taught in entirety.
“I set my state.” - The importance of Ownership
Seasons and Cycles - Using them to our advantage / Ayurvedic doshas.
Food As Pharmacy - meat-eater, plant-eater, soil-eater
Electron Management - the fundamentals of health / ‘be a tree’
An architecture of values 1 - naming what’s significant
An Architecture of Values 2 - calendaring for fulfillment
Neurochemistry + Posture- the role of our posture on our thoughts
Non-Violent Communication 1 : clarity for all, a new means of communication
Poverty or Prosperity? How to name what you have to make it so
“I am in help.” - You are the author. The power of the reframe
Non-Violent Communication 2 - learning to feel
Challenge - no complaints, no comparison
Each course includes a/ lecture, b/ guided movement, and c/ discussion or self-reflection.
learn. experience. connect.
In this way we a/ learn from an expert and shift what we know, then b/ we have direct, personal, bodily contact with that knowing through guided movement, and then c/ we return to the collective and integrate what is ours, how there are different experiences, how the material can be seen from multiple angles and perspectives.
There’s not a right answer here. There’s your answer.
Who is is FOR?
Deep work vs shallow -work vs swamping
Eudaemonia - What’s your eudaemonia machine?
Rest - The importance / market advantage of rest
Miracles - The making of miracles as a form of project management
Being Prepared - how to be the call and the response
“This is working.” - Defining new work / entrepreneurship : “I am working.”